
短语录 19 0

关于”我的周末五句“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My weekend five sentences。以下是关于我的周末五句的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My weekend five sentences

My weekend 我的周末

Last weekend I had a great time. I went hiking with my friends and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. 上个周末我过得很开心我和我的朋友去爬山欣赏了美丽的风景

On Sunday morning I went to the library and borrowed some interesting English books. I spent the afternoon reading and improving my English skills. 星期天早上我去图书馆借了一些有趣的英语书我度过了下午的时间阅读并提高我的英语技能

In the evening I watched a movie with my family. We had a lot of fun laughing and discussing the plot. 晚上我和家人一起看了一部电影我们笑声不断一起讨论剧情玩得很开心

On Saay night I attended an online English class. The teacher taught us new vocabulary and we practiced speaking with each other. 周六晚上我参加了线上英语课老师教给我们新的词汇我们互相练习口语

Overall it was a fulfilling and enjoyable weekend. I not only had fun with friends and family but also dedicated time to improving my English. 总的来说这是一个充实而愉快的周末我不仅和朋友、家人玩得开心还专注于提高我的英语水平

Note The translations provided above are just one possible interpretation of the English sentences. Different phrasings and interpretations may also be valid.


1. Last weekend I went to the park with my friends. We played frisbee and had a picnic. 上个周末我和朋友去了公园我们玩飞盘和野餐

2. On Saay I stayed at home and watched movies all day. It was relaxing. 星期六我整天呆在家里看电影很轻松

3. I went shopping and bought some new clothes on Sunday. I also tried some new food at a restaurant. 星期天我去购物买了些新衣服我还在餐厅尝试了一些新的食物

4. My family and I went hiking in the mountains on Saay. We saw some beautiful views and took many photos. 星期六我和家人去山里徒步旅行我们看到了一些美丽的景色并拍了很多照片

5. I spent my weekend volunteering at a local animal shelter. It was hard work but it felt good to help out. 我利用周末在当地的动物收容所做义工虽然很辛苦但帮助别人感觉很好
