
短语录 56 0

关于”服装进口商的询盘“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Enquiries from garment importers。以下是关于服装进口商的询盘的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”服装进口商的询盘“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Enquiries from garment importers。以下是关于服装进口商的询盘的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Enquiries from garment importers

Dear sir, through the courtesy of the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce, we know that you have been supplying the best quality food in the world. We are sure that there is a great demand for various kinds of foreign food in our country. We are writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.

We are the largest food trading company in Japan with offices or representative offices in all major cities and towns in Japan. We have been importing all kinds of food from Europe. Considering that we have rich experience in this field, the prospect of your products in our market is predictable.

We look forward to your reply and assure you that we will keep close cooperation. Your letter No.2 asks us to establish business relationship. Your letter of November to our sister company in Shanghai has been forwarded As the project is within the scope of business, we shall be glad to establish a direct business relationship with your company.

We understand that your company is one of the leading importers and wholesalers of electrical and electronic mechanical equipment in Thailand. We are exporters in the same industry with several years' business background. Now we are very interested in exporting all kinds of electronic products to your country.

Our products are very good sellers. If you are interested in selling these products in your market, our products are commendable for their excellent quality. Please let us know that we will be glad to send you your specific inquiry You sent us our quotation and sample book.

We sincerely look forward to your good reply,.





We have obtained your name and address from the Commercial Counselor's office of the Embassy of the people's Republic of China in China. We would like to take this opportunity to write to you and learn from the China Council for the promotion of international trade whether we can establish business relations through some actual transactions. Our consul in your City has recommended your name to us, because the major exporters of our goods have been informed of your company's We are pleased to offer you your name and address and understand that you are an experienced importer.

We are grateful to learn from your sales in the market that you specialize in and wish to establish business relations with you The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce recommended to us that your bank has informed us that you are one of the leading importers (exporters) in China and are interested in doing business with China. We have been informed that you are a potential buyer of Chinese products within the scope of our business activities.




Questioning skills are very important, not only can we get some information that we can't get at ordinary times, but also can confirm our previous judgment by asking questions. Porters should learn about the requirements of importers through open-ended questions, because this allows importers to freely discuss their requirements through these questions. For example, can you tell me more about your company and what do you think of your proposal? In order to answer the exporter's questions, we need to indicate the important and key questions after the quotation for future reference.

The importer always asks if you can do better than this? We can't give in on this, but the answer is, I'm a little upset by your statements. Do you know what I mean? Can you be sure you'll find that the most avoidable situation in the past few months is that these hedges can help negotiators cope with the difficulties of discussion in the above-mentioned environment if negotiators abide by the rules of politeness in the past few months If the speaker abides by the rules of politeness and uses the function of hedges, it can express the meaning of the discussion and avoid dogmatism. Sometimes it can express refusal and can not break the other party's emotion.

It can achieve the purpose of indirect expression and make the expression of pain more appropriate and appropriate.


