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关于”询问美国餐桌礼仪“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Asking about American table manners。以下是关于询问美国餐桌礼仪的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

关于”询问美国餐桌礼仪“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Asking about American table manners。以下是关于询问美国餐桌礼仪的托福英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Asking about American table manners

Eating habits and habits Americans eat with a fork. They eat almost everything with a fork, and it seems that holding a knife in their right hand for more than a few seconds is considered not in line with good table manners. The system is that if it is absolutely necessary to use a knife, people take a fork in their left hand, cut a piece of meat or something else in the normal way, and then they put down the knife, move the fork to the right hand, and then Food is delivered to the mouth.

It's obviously ridiculous, but it's considered a good courtesy. There are several results of this system. If it is not absolutely necessary to use a knife, Americans don't use forks because it obviously complicates things, so you can see that they try to cut potatoes, fish, even bacon with a fork.

At the end of the course, because there is only one tool in use, the food has to be chased around the plate with a fork, the last bite The thumb is also used to put food in the right place. Although the third one should not be made, the table is usually placed with a knife and two forks, and the outside fork is used for salad. Foreign tourists don't need to follow the American system and try to eat salad with a fork, but if you do use your knife, remember to leave it for meat.

Of course, if possible, even desserts (except ice cream) are eaten with forks. The s you see next to the dessert is used for coffee (but if you use it for dessert, no one will say anything.





Small dish is a kind of inventory, which is mainly used for blooming and filling food. When using large bowl, it is generally considered that the plate suce should be kept in place on the table, and it does not need to be introduced in a centralized way. It is a kind of special dish.

It is called the main function dish of dish. It is used to temporarily put out from the public plate and to enjoy the dish. First of all, don't eat too big a meal In a chaotic state, if you don't pile all kinds of vegetables together, they will repair each other's "Tongjing flavor".

If you don't put all kinds of dishes together, they will repair each other's "Tongjing flavor". If the dishes are full of food, the waiters are allowed to use glass instead of spitting them in the front of the dish, which should be placed in front of the dish directly from the mouth When the cup is full, water, soft drinks, juice, cola and other soft food should be used. Do not use it to hold wine.

In addition, don't turn the cup. You can't pour the cup into the cup of dongxikou. You can't use a wet towel for every meal.

It can only be used after the towel. It should be the time when the back plate is taken away by the waiter before the formal banquet The wet towel is different from the former. It can only be used, but it should not be used.

Try not to stick the toothpick in public. Cover your mouth with the other hand. It has been taken out.

It is not in public view or re-enter the eye. Don't throw it around easily. Don't take it with you.

Don't grow a toothpick mouth. Don't use it to hold food.




Thai cuisine is known for the balance of five basic tastes in each dish or meal: Spicy (spicy, sour, sweet, salty, and (optional) bitter meals are usually made up of one dish, or rice (Khao in Thai) is served with many supplementary dishes and shared by all. It is customary to serve more dishes than the guests at the table. Thai food was traditionally eaten with the right hand, but now it is usually eaten with a fork and a s with a fork, which was introduced as part of Westernization during the reign of Rama IV, king of Mengku.

His brother, vicekin pinocle, was watching the American missionary, D.B After Dr. Bradley's demonstration of Western food etiquette, he only selected westtell fork and s from the whole set of tableware. He used the fork in his left hand to push food into the s and then put the s into his mouth.

The traditional ceramic s is sometimes used to make soup knife, but chopsticks are mainly used to eat noodle soup, but not for other purposes. This is a Thai In Northeast Thailand, glutinous rice is used as a food tool. The glutinous rice is made into small, sometimes flattened and dipped in side dishes.

Thais often eat with their right hands only.



他的兄弟维切金·平克劳在观看了美国传教士D B Bradley博士对西餐礼仪的示范后,只从整套餐具中选择了韦斯特斯泰尔叉子和勺子,用在自己的餐桌上左手拿着叉子,用来把食物推到勺子里然后把勺子送到嘴里传统的陶瓷勺子有时用来做汤刀子一般不用于餐桌筷子主要用于吃面条汤,但不用于其他用途这是泰国人和北部山区部落人的常见做法泰国东北部使用糯米作为食用工具,用手把糯米做成小的,有时是压扁的球状物,然后蘸在配菜里吃。泰国人经常只用右手吃饭。
