
短语录 53 0




  • 市民在京珠高速路旁送热水、方便面等

  • 电力职工抢修高压线,牺牲三人

  • 学生上街帮助老人和孩子

  • 解放军战士坦克破冰开道

  • 解放军战士在火车站组成人墙,维护秩序

  • 北方城市送来钱、衣服、被褥等急需物品



  Dear Li Hua,

  I am glad to write to you. I am sorry I couldn’t come back to Beijing to observe the Chinese traditional Spring Festival with you. Now I am in Changsha, capital of Hunan Province, one of the snow-stricken areas in China. I am safe and sound. Please don’t worry. Let me tell you what I saw in Changsha.

  During the course of the terrible disaster, what I saw shocked me a lot. Some local citizens gave away the hot instant noodles and steam bread for free to the hungry people stuck in the buses or trucks on the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway. The workers from power stations stuck to their posts on the broken poles to restore power day and night in the freezing cold weather. Word came that three of them, unfortunately, lost their young and precious lives for providing normal electricity for the whole Hunan Province. Students supported the elderly and children suffering on the slippery and snowy roads. Believe it or not, the PLA men stationed in Changsha even drove tanks to get rid of the hard ice on the frozen streets.

  What struck me most was that in the Changsha Train Station the beloved PLA men formed “man walls” to ensure the order of the station regardless of their own safety. It was touching that the fellow people from the northern part of China including Beijing donated money, clothes, quilts and other daily necessities to Changsha and other parts of the snow-stricken areas.

  All these moving scenes above shed light on the fact that in time of trouble, we human beings should help each other to share our love and sorrow. As an old saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

  By the way, I will tell you a piece of good news. With the help of my local friends I have got the ticket for Beijing on February 16. Hope to see you soon and give you a detailed account of what I encountered in Changsha.






原文作者所属博客:简单学习 快乐高考

标签: 成人高考英语作文万能句子
