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描述一个产品的英语作文 第1篇








描述一个产品的英语作文 第2篇

In China, the problem of pirated products has been the big problem, the products such as CD and tap can be copied any time. Pirated products are challenging some industries, because pirated products not only much cheaper in price but also damage the copyright. As the pirated products are cheap, so the products’ quality is not good, people spend money to get the bad one.

What’s more, as more people buy the pirated products, it will have negative effect on the original products which have the copyright.

The manufacturers will loss the profit and don’t have the enthusiasm to produce the good products.

People should have the consciousness to support the genius products, at the same time, more stricter laws and regulations should be carried out to punished the one who sells the pirated products. I believe this problem will be solved gradually.

在中国,盗版产品的问题是一个很大的问题,那些像CD 和录影带的产品随时都有可能被抄袭。盗版产品挑战着一些产业,因为盗版产品不仅仅在价格上很便宜而且也危害了版权。由于盗版产品很便宜,因此产品的质量不好,人们花费很多钱却买来不好的'。而且,随着越来越多的人买盗版产品,给原来有版权的产品带来了不好的影响。生产商会失去利润,没有热情去产品好的产品。人们应该有支持正版产品的意识,同时,要去执行更严格的法律法规,严惩贩卖盗版产品的人。我相信这样的问题会慢慢得到解决。

描述一个产品的英语作文 第3篇








描述一个产品的英语作文 第4篇

A general-purpose machine that processes data according to a set of instructions that are stored internally either temporarily or computer and all equipment attached to it are called instructions that tell it what to do are called _software._ A set of instructions that perform a particular task is called a _program_ or _software program._

What a Computer Does

The instructions in the program direct the computer to input,process and output as follows:


The computer can selectively retrieve data into its main memory (RAM) from any peripheral device (terminal,disk,tape,etc.) connected to processing the data internally,the computer can send a copy of the results from its memory out to any peripheral more memory it has,the more programs and data it can work with at the same time.


By outputting data onto a magnetic disk or tape,the computer is able to store data permanently and retrieve it when system's size is based on how much disk storage it more disk,the more data are immediately available.

Processing (The 3 C's)

The computer performs all processing by _calculating,_ _comparing_ and _copying_ the data stored in its memory (RAM).


The computer can perform any mathematical operation on data by adding,subtracting,multiplying and dividing one set with another.


The computer can analyze and evaluate data by matching it with sets of known data that are included in the program or called in from storage.


The computer can move data around to create any kind of report or listing in any order.

Calculate,Compare and Copy

By calculating,comparing and copying,the computer accomplishes all forms of data example,records are sorted into a new order by comparing two records at a time and copying the record with the lower value in front of the one with the higher value.

The computer finds one customer out of thousands by comparing the requested account number to each record in the query statement:SUM SALARY FOR TITLE = _NURSE_ causes the computer to compare the title field in each record for NURSE and then add (calculate) the salary field for each match.

In word processing,ing and deleting text is accomplished by copying characters from one place to another.

描述一个产品的英语作文 第5篇

product piracy in china is a serious problem. in our daily life,we will find ourselves surrounded by a vast range of piracy, like vcds and books.

pirated products perform most strongly in lover price and spend of publication, as far a customer, we shuold have a sharp and further eye on looking on the event .for one thing,pirated vcds effect our feeling to admire the music with poor quality pirated books lead us a faulse understanding with the misprints. moreover, the pirated products have great worse influence on our countrys ecomonic. its estimated that each year we get a lot of loss in ecomonic because of piracy. they block the development of legal companies and cause the loss lf foreign investment.

consequently, the appeal to clean up the pirated products maraket and better protect intellectual property right are necessary. customers should improve poublic awareness to refuse to buy pirates products. companies should take all necessary measures to fight against pircy, such as prociding more products in lower prices. the government should get rid of pirated products by taking srick laws.

on the whole, to crack down the piracy is a hard or job than we have epected to. and everyone of us should make a big effort and keep a close eye on these markets to ensure that they dont come back again. in this way, it is convinced that we are on our way to create a more promising and healthier market in the future.

描述一个产品的英语作文 第6篇

Computers: Are They Easier to Use ?

Here’s my simple test for a product of today’s technology:I go to the bookstore and check the shelves for remedial more books there are, the more my suspicions are computers and computer programs are getting easier to use,why are so many companies still making a nice living publishing books on how to use them?Computers manipulate information,but information is ’s nothing to see or programmer decides what you see on the don’t have knobs like old don’t have buttons, not real buttons.

Instead, more and more programs display pictures of buttons,moving even further into abstraction and like computers, but I hope they will disappear,that they will seem as stranger to our descendants as the technologies of our grandparents appear to ’s computers are indeed getting easier to us,but look where they started:so difficult that almost any improvement was have the power to allow people within a company,across a nation or even around the world to work together.

But this power will be wasted if tomorrow’s computers aren’t designed around the needs and capabilities of the human beings who must use them —a people-centered philosophy, in other means retooling computers to cope with human strengths,observing, communicating and innovating instead of asking people to conform to the unnatural behavior computers just leads to error. Many of today’s machines try to do too a complicated work processor attempts to double as a desktop pulsing program or a kitchen appliance come with half a dozen attachments,the product is bound to be awkward and burdensome.

My favorite example of a technological product on just the right scale is an electronic can be made smaller,lighter and far easier to use than a print version,not only giving meanings but even pronouncing the ’s electronic dictionaries,with their tiny keys and barely legible displays,are primitive but they are on the right track.

描述一个产品的英语作文 第7篇





描述一个产品的英语作文 第8篇

A general-purpose machine that processes data according to a set of instructions that are stored internally either temporarily or permanently.

The com*r and all equipment attached to it are called hardware.

The instructions that tell it what to do are called _software._ A set of instructions that perform a particular task is called a _program_ or _software program._

描述一个产品的英语作文 第9篇






描述一个产品的英语作文 第10篇

A possible version of noaheda5eaaffect is a very powerful drug made in Shenzhen, China. It is the latest product of Chengxin company. It stores millions of words and terms, so you can find any word you encounter in senior grade.

This dictionary can translate both Chinese and English to help you learn more effectively. In addition, it can perfectly imitate the unciation of real people, and it also provides the function of downloading e-books. This dictionary is controlled by advanced computer technology, which is the technical achievement of the company for many years.

The body is made of light metal, small size, easy to carry, easy to operate and reasonable price. It is a wise choice for English learners.



描述一个产品的英语作文 第11篇



dear mr. / mrs: 说明:根据你发去的国家不同,你要用的字眼也不同。例如:**是公司文化比较开放的国家,所以一般信件,即使是第一次打交道,也可以用hi来代替dear。而欧洲国家大部分会使用dear, 他们相对保守。


直入主题。i am writing to introduce my company and our product and we believe this can draw your interest.






你的联系方法。please contact me for more detail. my contact detail as below.


写明what's foward to hearing from you.



best regards,




描述一个产品的英语作文 第12篇

A few years ago the international market for silicon solar panels in great demand, the price of solar panels is high. With the large investments to enter the field, the price of solar panels fell. Solar consumer electronics products also popular in the marker. Solar electric consumer electronics products, is a very useful consumer-oriented products. Now the country to promote environmentally friendly energy-saving, the application of solar electronic products is critica.

Basic design principles of solar electric products.

Currently, there are a lot of solar electronic products, solar flashlight, solar toys, solar chargers and so on.

All products are divided into a built-in battery and no built-in battery types.

No built-in battery products are mainly required to work under the sun, such as solar summer hat fan, solar swing a small doll. These products mainly through the solar panels generate direct current drive motor or electromagnetic components. Maximum absence point is affected by exposure to sunlight of a significant immediately stop working without the sun.

Most of the solar products has built-in battery, and a lot of people hear this, immediately say that solar energy is a lie. We should do some description through the principles of basic solar power product. Solar power mainly includes three parts:

Solar photovoltaic panel(commonly known as solar cell panels), charge and discharge controller, storage batteries (can be repeated charge). Solar panels to solar energy into direct current electricity, through the charge and discharge controller, stored in batteries, when necessary, through the battery discharge to give electrical power supply. If you need to be alternating current, you need to put the battery through the inverter the DC into AC.

Solar flashlight, for example, if there is no built-in battery, you can only let it lighting in the sun light. Should not be many people will make such a move. Solar energy products, the main design concept is to drive product by unstable, a small current of electricity produced by solar panel stored in batteries. When needed to provide a stable electrical drive power. Every second of current solar panels produced may be small. But Long accumulated enough power to electrical power. Because we are not a lot of electronic products 24 hours a day to work, we usually use the flashlight lighting time to time is not very long.

If the use of solar energy flashlight, put it on the windowsill usually empty charge under the sun completely meet our needs. 2-3 years do not replace the battery, both economical and environmentally friendly, why not?

描述一个产品的英语作文 第13篇

All over the world,there are many different products in many different town or city,for example,Anxi and Hang zhou are widely know for their course,in my town,also has a femous thing-yellow flower. Next,let me introduce them for are made by hand from people,so they are simple to made,you just throw down seeds in the field,then through some time,you go there water them,and you must also cut down some grass in the filed,then,you can wait them to grow are used for making oil,and helping person to are so special because they are made just in my town,and so many visitors come here from time to time,then take photos with family,it looks like so beautiful.

I am pround of them,if you have free time,please come here.

描述一个产品的英语作文 第14篇

The Chinese manners is differend from other countries .In China, people first meet to shake people eat,Besides soup, table all food use foods can move chopsticks sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there.

Dont tap on your bowl with your tap on their bowls, so this is not , when the food is coming too slow in a restarant, people will tap their bowls. If you are in someones home,it is like insulting the cook.

描述一个产品的英语作文 第15篇

Thismodeloftypedin,with convenient transportationa of our products com* standard sandaregreatly appreciate dinavariety of differen tmarkets throughout the world.

Coveringanareaof(工厂占地面积)squaremeters,wenowhaveover(员工人数)employees,an annual sales figure thatexceedsUSD(销售额)andare currently exporting(出口比例)ofour production world wide.

Ourwell-equi pedfacilitie sandexce llent quality control throughoutall enable sustoguaran teetotal customer have received(填写客户获得的国际证书,如ISO9001).

Asaresulto four high quality product sandout standing customer service,we have gainedag loba lsalesnet work reaching(主要出口国家).If you are intereste dinanyo four product , looking forward to forming successful business.

relation ship swithnew client saround the world inthenear future.






描述一个产品的英语作文 第16篇

Varieties of electronic gadgets, without which some of us can’t live, come into being. Despite their conveniences, they bring people much stress, so people have to balance their advantages and disadvantages before buying them.(34 words)


I can’t agree more with the author. With the development of science and technology, more and more fantastic electronic gadgets come into being, which dazzles people. People can’t resist the temptation to buy and them since these gadgets become outdated too quickly.

I have a lot of favourite electronic gadgets, one of which is a video MP3. As well as carrying my favourite music, a video MP3 player can play up to 150 hours of movies and TV programmes. However, it cost me 2,000 yuan. Besides, the loud volume will damage my hearing if I overuse it.


If I want to buy a necessary electronical gadget, the first factor that should be taken into consideration is whether it’s practical.(120 words)


描述一个产品的英语作文 第17篇

Now , we have great pleasure in troducing you our company. our company is found before several decade and producting all kinds of digital products. Have made a market research,we find that these things make our lives easier.

The digital products like the com*r and the cell phone have completely made a great impact on our life. These products have both led to much greater efficiency in many aspects of our daily lives and produced many economic benefits as well. The digital age has contributed to many labor saving technologies at the same time as improving the quality standards of production..

Because our company wants to extend ,so we need to hire someone to our company. If you want to be emploeed,just give your recommend letter to our company. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

描述一个产品的英语作文 第18篇

Thismodeloftypedin,with convenient transportationa of our products comply standard sandaregreatly appreciate dinavariety of differen tmarkets throughout the world.

Coveringanareaof(工厂占地面积)squaremeters,wenowhaveover(员工人数)employees,an annual sales figure thatexceedsUSD(销售额)andare currently exporting(出口比例)ofour production world wide.

Ourwell-equi pedfacilitie sandexce llent quality control throughoutall enable sustoguaran teetotal customer have received(填写客户获得的国际证书,如ISO9001).

Asaresulto four high quality product sandout standing customer service,we have gainedag loba lsalesnet work reaching(主要出口国家).If you are intereste dinanyo four product , looking forward to forming successful business.

relation ship swithnew client saround the world inthenear future.

描述一个产品的英语作文 第19篇











描述一个产品的英语作文 第20篇




描述一个产品的英语作文 第21篇

The Great Wall The Great Wall was first built in ancient China. It is not only a wall, but it is also a tourist resort. The greatest part of the Great Wall is in Beijing.

It is called _Badaling_. It is metres high on an average. And it is metres wide at the bottom while metres wide on the top.

The Great Wall is visited by thousands of people coming from different countries. A Chinese saying goes like this,_ You are not a true man until you get to the Great Wall._

描述一个产品的英语作文 第22篇

INSTANT-DICT is an e-dictionary made in Hong Kong, China. It is the latest product of Hongyun Company Ltd. with a large vocabulary of I million words and phrases stored in it. So you can look up any word you meet in your Senior period. INSTANT-DICT is controlled by advanced computer technology which is also the latest technical result of the company's 20-year research.

The body of the INSTANT-DICT is made of light metal. Therefore it is small in size and convenient to carry; besides, it is easy to operate. The price is reasonable. It is a wise choice for English learners.

描述一个产品的英语作文 第23篇

“崇乡源”品牌冷鲜肉是上海xx合作社推出的高端猪肉品牌,每一片猪肉都源自上海xx合作社旗下的崇乡源养猪基地。 “崇乡源”养猪基地坐落在崇明岛江口万亩垦区,占地10多万平方米,是国家标准化猪场之一,20xx年通过了国家农业部“无公害”产地认证,20xx年通过了“麦咨达”体系认证,严格执行各养殖环节的标准,不添加任何违禁药物及添加剂,每年可为广大市民提供10万多头安全、放心的优质生猪。









描述一个产品的英语作文 第24篇

A general-purpose machine that processes data according to a set of instructions that are stored internally either temporarily or permanently.

The computer and all equipment attached to it are called hardware.

The instructions that tell it what to do are called _software._ A set of instructions that perform a particular task is called a _program_ or _software program._

描述一个产品的英语作文 第25篇


Thismodeloftypedin,with convenient transportationa of our products comply standard sandaregreatly appreciate dinavariety of differen tmarkets throughout the world.

Coveringanareaof(工厂占地面积)squaremeters,wenowhaveover(员工人数)employees,an annual sales figure thatexceedsUSD(销售额)andare currently exporting(出口比例)ofour production world wide.

Ourwell-equi pedfacilitie sandexce llent quality control throughoutall enable sustoguaran teetotal customer have received(填写客户获得的'国际证书,如ISO9001).

Asaresulto four high quality product sandout standing customer service,we have gainedag loba lsalesnet work reaching(主要出口国家).If you are intereste dinanyo four product , looking forward to forming successful business.

relation ship swithnew client saround the world inthenear future.







描述一个产品的英语作文 第26篇

Please look at the brilliantly attracting mobile phone in front of you. This is the latest product of the NOKIA. I’m sure that you are absolutely amused by its perfect appearance, such as the silver-white metal shell, properly colored keyboard, the crystal screen, etc.

Of course, it’s not persuasive to just judge it from the outside. There’s no need to mention the ordinary functions as a mobile, so let me show you the unique and significant functions belonging to it. First, it has the google authorized GPS software, which can bring you a quite clear way when you step out in the open air. Second, the mobile phone can connect to the newly developed 3G net. This can provide you with a series of services such as watching videos, listening to music, delivering pictures and so on. At last, the most essential, it’s not expensive in comparison with its fellow products.

So if you are considering to buy a new mobile phone and wondering which one to choose, I think this kind is an excellent choice.

描述一个产品的英语作文 第27篇































描述一个产品的英语作文 第28篇






描述一个产品的英语作文 第29篇




描述一个产品的英语作文 第30篇

Now , we have great pleasure in troducing you our company. our company is found before several decade and producting all kinds of digital products. Have made a market research,we find that these things make our lives easier.

The digital products like the computer and the cell phone have completely made a great impact on our life.

These products have both led to much greater efficiency in many aspects of our daily lives and produced many economic benefits as well.

The digital age has contributed to many labor saving technologies at the same time as improving the quality standards of production..

Because our company wants to extend ,so we need to hire someone to our company. If you want to be emploeed,just give your recommend letter to our company. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

描述一个产品的英语作文 第31篇

Fake goods, also known as Shanzhai products, are quite common in China. These products usually have the similar names with the real product, or just exactly the same out-looking with the products. In the remote area, this situation could be worse. The markets are swamped with these fake and poor quality goods. On Taobao, some bad sellers mix up the good and fake products, you can’t even tell the differences between them. Such behavior has harmed greatly to the people’s rights and health. For example, if a consumer buys the fake the cosmetics, she may get allergic. And this may lead to horrible result. What’s worse, the fake goods also exist in the medicine markets. If a patient buys the fake goods by accident, he may lose his life.


The cause of this situation is that some people only care about money making; they don’t know the aftermaths of such behaviors could bring. The local governments do not look into their illegal activities. The consumers’ right must be protected. Only in this way the market can develop healthy and steady. The justice must be done.


描述一个产品的英语作文 第32篇

The importance of electricity when you go to work in the morning and find that the traffic lights are not on, traffic jams will definitely hen. The patient needs immediate surgery. If we can't operate because we don't have electricity, we can't watch TV, we can't listen to tapes, we can't chat online.

Electricity is closely related to our daily life. If we don't have electricity, it will be terrible. I have a cat named Mimi.

Its fur is as white as snow. I often play games with it. It makes me very hy.

I treat it as a child every morning. I will say goodbye to it before school, Mimi would wave her front legs at me. It brings me a lot of hiness, but it takes time and money to keep a cat.

My parents and I spend a lot of time taking care of it, feeding it and cleaning it. We must clean the house from time to time, or the cat will make them dirty and stinky.




描述一个产品的英语作文 第33篇

Thismodeloftypedin,with convenient transportationa of our products com* standard sandaregreatly appreciate dinavariety of differen tmarkets throughout the world.

Coveringanareaof(工厂占地面积)squaremeters,wenowhaveover(员工人数)employees,an annual sales figure thatexceedsUSD(销售额)andare currently exporting(出口比例)ofour production world wide.

Ourwell-equi pedfacilitie sandexce llent quality control throughoutall enable sustoguaran teetotal customer have received(填写客户获得的国际证书,如ISO9001).

Asaresulto four high quality product sandout standing customer service,we have gainedag loba lsalesnet work reaching(主要出口国家).If you are intereste dinanyo four product , looking forward to forming successful business.

relation ship swithnew client saround the world inthenear future.


描述一个产品的英语作文 第34篇

ChinaThe People's Republic of China is a socialism country with its own is one of the developing lies in the east of has a number of neighboring the north,northeast and northwest are the Mongolia,Russia and the south are Vietnam,Laos,Thailand and the the west and southwest are India,Burma,Bhutan,Nepal and the east is Japan,which faces China across the East China is a country with a vast has an area of over 9,600,000 square consists of 34 provinces,autonomous regions,and municipalities directly under the Central government .Beijing,which is situated in the North China,is its People's Republic of China is one of the largest countries in the it has a population of more than billion,making up a quarter of the world population.
