
短语录 127 0



你是我这辈子最爱的人。 还有就算我离开了,也请你幸福”



I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I

am when I am with you。



What I can lose, but do not want to lose you,我什么都可以失去,但不想失去你,

You are my favorite person in this life你是我这辈子最爱的人。

Even if I had to leave, even if you are happy就算我离开了,也请你幸福

I am happy because you are happy我快乐是因为你快乐

Well-being is to represent a smile, baby, please remember that you must smile 幸福是用微笑来代表的,宝贝,请你记得一定要微笑

Dear, I will always be with you。

   Shou private life,!亲爱的,我将永远与你同在。守私人生活! 回答完毕。

  God wills it that man whom he has created , and in whose heart he has so profoundly rooted the lore of life , ahould do all in his power to preserve that existence , which ,however painful it may be ,is yet always so dear。

  上帝创造了人,并在他的心中根深蒂固地植入了对生命的爱,不论是多么痛苦,可总还是觉得它是可爱的,上帝既然这样创造了人,他总会尽力使他存在的。Time , which encrusts all physical substances with its mossy mantle , as it inrets all things of the mind with forgetfulness。

  时间,给一切有形的物体覆以外衣,这件外衣就是苔藓;它给一切无形的事物也披上了一件外衣,而这件外衣就是健忘。The mind has its organ of rision as well as the body ,with this additional perfction ,that the objects presented to its view are indelibly impressed。

  灵魂也像肉体一样有它的视觉器官,肉眼所看到的东西有时会忘记,但是灵魂所见过的东西却是永远铭记的。The friends that we hare last do not repose in the bosom of the earth , but are buried deep in our hearts ; and it has been thus ordained , that we may always be accompanied by them。

  我们所丧失的朋友不是安息在大地的胸膛里而是深深地埋在我们的心里,上帝是这样安排的,所以他们永远陪伴着我们。Never forget , that until the day when god will deign to reveal the future to man , all human wisdom is contained in these two words ,——“Wait and Hope”。


标签: 优美句子
