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关于”节日与食物的关系“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The relationship between festivals and food。以下是关于节日与食物的关系的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

关于”节日与食物的关系“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The relationship between festivals and food。以下是关于节日与食物的关系的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The relationship between festivals and food

I am a student, our students should have more , just like friends, parents and teachers do not think we should play with bad students, but should not play with the opposite , because we are entering rty, we are afraid of the people we love, and then affect the school. In fact, normal male and female communication may also be students. Therefore, parents and parents are very clear about it Some members of the opposite usually mind it, so maybe this kind of benefit shows you what true friendship is.




Australia has many unique characteristics, for example, animals and plants, natural resources, topography, river system and human characteristics. The reason why there are many natural characteristics is that this continent has been isolated from other continents for millions of years. Australia is unique in animals and plants.

It can be seen in any other part of the world. There are dry and wet hard shell forests, shrubs, rain forests and so on Etc. There are some special types of animals, such as jellyfish and monotremes, because their predators and compes do not exist.

Other animals, such as reptiles, amphibians, and birds, are also very different. They all have characteristics suitable for the Australian environment. Australia does not have a lot of water resources, but there are other resources, such as minerals and energy, which have a lot.

The most important mineral exports are iron ore, bauxite and so on. Most of them are produced in the western plateau. Energy, such as fuel, comes from swamps buried millions of years ago.

Australia's unique landforms are the flattest and lowest continent on the earth. The highest mountain (cosiusco mountain) is meters high. The largest river basin in this area is the Morley River and the bold river it owns, which flows to Australia Leah, Australia's smart people are very unique.

Australia is a multicultural country with many cultural backgrounds. It has the richest cultural diversity in the world. We can see that Australia is a very unique country with unique physical and cultural characteristics.





Hemingway often thinks that courage is a person's ability to calm down and restrain himself in the face of death. His themes appear in his novels for whom the bell tolls, the old man and the sea, and our textbook one day's wait. Because of misunderstanding a different thermometer, the boy thought that he was in a high fever and would die soon.

He bravely accepted his death and waited quietly This boy shows us his definition of courage. He thinks that such a definition is far from enough. Courage should not be limited.

It is only related to the daily life of death. There are some common things that show a person's example. For example, on a bus trip, a thief was trying to steal a girl's purse.

Some people saw it, but kept it Silence. They are afraid of being stolen. Revenge.

Courage means truth and justice. For me, people in high positions often hear songs praising him. Some people are sincere and only flatter their superiors.

Leaders also need courage to accept criticism and those who dare to criticize. This courage may come from mutual understanding. I think a man with courage will value truth and justice and will not hesitate to do what he thinks is right.

There is no word "fear" in his dictionary.


