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关于”政务公开“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Open government affairs。以下是关于政务公开的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

关于”政务公开“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Open government affairs。以下是关于政务公开的小升初英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Open government affairs

"If you want to be bigger, smaller, faster expansion" is the consensus of global information system engineering construction. This principle is determined by the characteristics of information system engineering projects. For example, the project management requirements of tight funds and technology require that information technology is a relatively high and rapidly developing information technology, and provide new equipment and tools "Want to be too big" is defined as the development of information technology.

E-government should seriously determine the long-term development goals, or expect to achieve the blueprint of "e-government". This planning goal should be clear and measurable, rather than abstract conceptual planning. We should have enough insight and imagination to see "far" from the perspective of "big office" "The small" means that after it is launched on small, easy to implement and obvious effect projects, it can ensure "winning the first battle", or decompose the large project into several small projects, and organize the implementation in practice, so as to cultivate the trust of the team and leaders and the support of users.




With the advent of the information age, the exploration of e-government construction in China has been gradually improved, and the government portal system has gradually formed. In order to further enhance the transparency of the government and adapt to the trend of global construction of information superhighway, the Chinese government officially launched the "three gold project", in which the central government as the leading role, integrated into the characteristics of the government information system engineering, focused on the construction of information technology With the rapid development of network technology and the continuous improvement of information infrastructure, the government of China has put forward the concept of government access to the Internet. As the "government Internet year", it has opened the prelude of the development of China's e-government, and e-government has become the focus of attention.




Dear editor, I am writing to tell you about the discussion about whether the park should charge tickets. On this issue, everyone's opinions are different. Students do not agree with them.

The park is a public place where all people can rest and enjoy. Therefore, if tickets are charged, some people will stay away from the park. In order to collect tickets, gates and walls must be built.

They think this will damage the appearance of the city. Students agree with the idea of charging admission fees, because gardeners need to pay, new plants and flowers need to be picked, but the fees should be reasonable your authenticity, .


亲爱的编辑,我写信是想告诉你关于公园是否应该收取门票的讨论。在这个问题上,每个人的意见各不相同,学生们不同意他们的观点,公园是一个公共场所,所有的人都可以在这里休息和享受,所以如果收取门票,一定会有一些人远离公园,而且为了收取门票,一定要建大门和围墙,他们认为这会损害城市的外观。学生们同意收取入场费的想法,因为园丁需要付费,新的植物和鲜花需要被采摘,但费用应该合理收取 你的真实, XXX。
