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关于”是否同意观点的开头段“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Do you agree with the opening paragraph of the opinion。以下是关于是否同意观点的开头段的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

关于”是否同意观点的开头段“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Do you agree with the opening paragraph of the opinion。以下是关于是否同意观点的开头段的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Do you agree with the opening paragraph of the opinion

G: Can Money Bring happiness: some parents think that children's leisure time should be more educational, but others think it will bring too much pressure on their children. Discuss your point of view, your opinion, why: private schools should not be allowed, because some people think they give some students unfair advantages: in order to improve students' chances of finding jobs, middle schools spend less time teaching traditional subjects, such as history, and they spend more time on communication skills and business agreement or disagreement: some people think that anyone can only learn from A good teacher can be a good teacher with proper training, while others think that some requirements are impossible to achieve through training. Please discuss both sides and give your opinions.

Give some relevant examples: for couples preparing to give birth, mothers or fathers should stop working to take care of their children. What's your opinion Climbing mountains, they should take responsibility for themselves, do not expect rescue work to risk their lives to save them, do you agree or disagree: agree or disagree oral or training: useful social wages or social values in a high paid Society: (historical construction of social conflicts): some people think that schools should teach every young person how to be a good parent. Do you agree or disagree with a good father What skills do mothers need: more families, their children study abroad, discuss the pros and cons of which age group do you suggest: why young people continue to smoke? How do you suggest the government prevent this: traffic congestion: Nowadays, people communicate less with their families, do you agree or disagree: employees at different jobs should have different vacation times? Agree or disagree Agree: the Olympic Games no longer play an important role.

Is the Olympic Games the last one do you agree or disagree: an international language and culture discussion on the two: reduction.




It is generally believed that education is essential for the development of individuals and the well-being of society. In order to realize these two functions, what should education include? Social mobility some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study in University, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subjects they like. Discuss the two views and give your opinions.

Or many people use distance learning programs (materials, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home. But some people think that university education can't bring more than one Any student who does not agree with the idea that this university student will benefit more from this degree of education or education than any other person who does not agree with this degree of education should benefit from this degree of education What are the advantages and disadvantages of not going to college directly? Some people say that children should obey the rules of their parents and teachers, while others think that if children are given too much control, they will not be fully prepared for their adult life and discuss with each other and give your opinions (peer pressure).




People will never be satisfied with what they have. They always want more or different things. Write an article about it.

I think it may be true. People are never satisfied with what they have. They always want something more or different from them.

It seems to be part of our humanity. The toddler gives her a toy to play with. She is very happy Until she sees something else, and then she wants another toy to play with.

If she and her brother each get a biscuit, she will giggle to see who has the bigger biscuit, she will protest loudly, if she thinks her brother is more and more, the grass is always greener. Some places are an old expression, but it is a good expression that many of us are trying to find a better job, a better living environment, a more luxurious car or more expensive clothes Part of this is because we care about other people's ideas and want to impress them, part of it is to make ourselves feel successful, but there are also some things in our nature that tell us that we can do better and reach a higher level, which is not always a permanent quality. There is a saying that one's tentacles should be beyond his grasp, or be Heaven, because it's a good thing to constantly push ourselves and find different things.

If we don't try more and more different things, we start to stagnate, just like a swimming pool without any fresh water. When we are not satisfied with everything we have, the problem comes. If we have a comfortable life and still feel as if something is missing, then we need to use the toilet in the ward.

What we lack may be in our spirit.


