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关于”我的邻居们“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My neighbors。以下是关于我的邻居们的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

关于”我的邻居们“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:My neighbors。以下是关于我的邻居们的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My neighbors

Today, when I went home from school, I turned on my computer and entered the English Forum. I suddenly saw a post: "now my neighbors are alienated a lot. I'm shocked.

Although we were still living in farmhouses, people were very troublesome, but the neighbors were very harmonious. The children often went out to play and moved to the building. Life became relaxed, but the neighbors didn't see each other very much.

Is this a good thing or a bad thing for me They were quite shocked.




Know it all, know it all, he'll pat you in the face with his tail. Neighbors, your neighbors, your happiness is often the thing after sadness, like to get along with day and night q): CNQ joy put his heart on men / L UQ / "+ sharing happiness with others more enjoyment ^ JJ | Ku jagge is not the cover of a Book gxx $, judgment is not based on appearance $YY" @ judgment is not love at first sight, put] b] KY justice has long arm.


万事通,万事通,万事通,他会用尾巴拍你的脸。邻居们,你的邻居们,你的快乐往往是悲伤之后的事,喜欢朝夕相处q):Cnq Joy把心放在男人身上/l uq/“+与他人分享的快乐更享受^ Jj | ku Jadge不是一本书的封面GxX$,判断不根据外表$Yy“@判断不是人和事一见钟情put]B]kY正义有长臂。


Good neighbors we all have neighbors. Good neighbors are better than distant relatives. When we have good neighbors, we will encounter difficulties.

They always come to help you. Neighbors should get along well. My neighbor has a daughter of our age, but we don't study in the same school at night.

We always do homework together. She is good at math. I'm good at English, so we often help each other.


