
短语录 37 0

关于”遵守规则“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:follow the rules。以下是关于遵守规则的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:follow the rules

Title Adhering to Rules 遵守规则

Introduction 导言

Rules are an essential part of our daily lives. They play a crucial role in maintaining order promoting fairness and ensuring the smooth functioning of society. As students it is our responsibility to abide by these regulations and contribute towards a harmonious environment. In this essay we will explore the significance of adhering to rules and its impact on both personal and collective development.


Body 主体

1. Respect for Authority 尊重权威

Adhering to rules demonstrates respect for authority. By following guidelines set by our teachers and school administrators we acknowledge their expertise and leadership. This fosters a positive relationship between students and authorities leading to a conducive learning atmosphere.


2. Personal Discipline 个人纪律

Adhering to rules cultivates personal discipline. It encourages self-control responsibility and good habits. When we consistently follow rules we develop a sense of accountability and learn to manage our time efficiently. This discipline not only benefits us academically but also prepares us for future challenges.


3. Promoting Fairness 促进公平

Rules ensure fairness in various aspects of life. In schools rules protect students' rights promote equal opportunities and prevent discrimination. By adhering to these regulations we help create an inclusive and just environment where everyone can thrive and succeed.


4. Building a Responsible Citizen 培养负责任的公民

Adhering to rules molds us into responsible citizens. By respecting rules within the school we develop a sense of moral and social responsibility which extends beyond the boundaries of the educational institution. This prepares us to contribute positively to society abide by laws and play our part in creating a better future.


Conclusion 总结

Adhering to rules is not merely a compliance but a valuable attribute that contributes to personal and collective growth. It cultivates respect discipline fairness and responsibility. As students we should embrace the importance of following rules and make a conscious effort to adhere to them. By doing so we create an environment that benefits everyone and paves the way for a brighter future.


Word count 393 words 字数393 字


Following Rules


Rules are set to guide people's behavior and ensure order in society. They are established to protect the welfare of all individuals and promote the common good. Therefore it is important that everyone follows the rules in their daily lives.


Following rules means respecting the rights and needs of others. It is only when everyone abides by the rules that harmony can be maintained in society. Breaking rules can cause chaos and harm to others. Therefore it is always better to follow the rules and be a responsible citizen.


In addition following rules also helps to build a sense of discipline and responsibility. It teaches us to be accountable for our actions and to understand the consequences of our behavior. By following rules we can develop good habits and values that will benefit us throughout our lives.


In conclusion following rules is crucial in maintaining order and promoting the welfare of all individuals. It helps to build a responsible and disciplined society where everyone can thrive. Therefore it is important to always adhere to the rules and be a respectful and responsible citizen.



Following the rules can keep the world in order so that everyone's time won't be wasted, but there are always some people who try to break the rules just to show the difference between them. Some even think it's cool to do so recently. A young man is riding his skateboard at a railway station.

He ignores the staff's warning and just keeps his own way. Finally, when the police come He apologized to the staff and promised not to do so again. He is a rude boy.

He only thinks about himself and ignores the rules. What he did was a waste of time and only brought himself a bad reputation.


