
短语录 67 0

Don’t keep company with those who will make you seem less gifted, either because they are superior or inferior. The more perfect someone is, the more highly he is esteemed. The other person will always play the leading role, and you a secondary one, and if you win any respect at all, it will come in scraps and remnants. When the moon is alone it competes with the stars, but once the sun comes out it either doesn’t appear or it disappears. Don’t go near the person who can eclipses you, only the one who will make you look better. This is how clever Fabula, from Martial’s poem, was able to look beautiful and radiant among her ugly, unkempt maids. Don’t have a pain in your side, or honor others to the detriment of your own reputation. To grow, associate with the eminent; once grown, with those who are average.

  其中,“ it will come in scraps and remnants”和“ Don’t have a pain in your side, or honor others to the detriment of your own reputation.”这两个句子,在这段话中怎么翻译才恰当呢?

标签: 翻译句子
