
短语录 80 0


  世纪金榜 / 袁立新






    W:You went to the theatre last night.What did you think of the man who played Hamlet?Wasn’t he wonderful?

    M:Yes.I think he did a great job.

    你就应该能判断出他们是在谈论an actor who played Hamlet,而不是theatre或者job等其他内容。


    (2)获取(与话题中心相关的)具体事实信息:在把握所听内容话题中心的同时,我们需要听清楚其中涉及的具体时间、地点、数字、人物等。例如一段在图书馆借书的对话,设题就包含了“借到什么书”这类细节的考查,如:What has the man decided to take?




    M:We’ve been sitting here for such a long time.I wonder when our beef will be served?

    W:Perhaps they had to kill the cow first...











    (8)选项平行,不相包容。选项设计时考虑到其相互关系。例如:A.Beijing. B.Wuhan.,从地理概念看,二者平行。若为A.Beijing. B.China.,则当答案为A项时,B项同样成立。或者出现了不只一个答案,或者缩小了答题时考虑的范围。























  房价问题一向市民最关心的问题, 房价还会不会下降?高居不下的房价使得住房对于越来越多的百姓可望而不可及,政府一系列的遏制房价过快增长的重拳组合能否奏效?公租房的大量投放,能否改变“蜗居”状态?






  热点四:医疗改革——新医改着力解决群众 “看病难、看病贵”,而现状是大医院人满为患,小医院冷清无人问津,“看病难”改革奏效吗?




  热点六:拆迁问题——拆迁事关社会稳定 、人心安定。






  热点九:就业问题——用工荒与就业难如何平衡?2010年就业问题依然严峻,农业富余劳动力还有1.2亿以上, “招工难”与“就业难”并存,大学生就业压力如何缓解?下岗工人如何再就业? 企业说缺员工,但很多大学生和农民工等依然找不到工作。




   热点十二:民主监督——以“躲猫猫事件”、“杭州飙车案” 上海钓鱼执法”等为代表的一系列网络热点事件,体现了网民通过网络在进行民主监督方面,发挥了巨大的影响力。




   热点十六:上海世博会 时 间: 2010年5月1日至10月31日 地 点:上海市中心黄浦江两岸

  主 题:城市,让生活更美好 副主题:城市多元文化的融合 城市经济的繁荣城市科技的创新 城市社区的重塑城市和乡村的互动

  目 标:吸引200个国家和国际组织参展,7000万人次的参观者 。

  会 徽:












  1、就业与工作(Employment and jobs)


  The best and worst jobs for 2010

  Being an actuary,calculating statistics to determine probability and risk,is the best job to have in 2010,while working on an oil rig as a roustabout is the worst,according to a study released on Tuesday.

  An actuary earns about $85,000 a year and has few physical demands,little stress,a good work environment and a positive outlook for employment and income growth,said CareerCast.com,a job search site that analyzed 200 jobs in North America.

  The second-best job is software engineer,followed by computer systems analyst,biologist and historian,said CareerCast.com,which rated jobs in terms of stress,working environment,physical demands,income and hiring outlook.

  Being a roustabout was rated the worst,followed by lumberjack,ironworker,dairy farmer and welder,it said.

  A roustabout is a dangerous job that typically pays about $31,000 a year,with high unemployment and a negative outlook for growth,the study said.

  Switching to many of the best jobs would mean returning to school,said Tony Lee,publisher of CareerCast.com’s 2010 Jobs Rated Report.This is its 12th annual study.

  The worst jobs are “fairly miserable,” Lee said.They tend to require working outdoors regardless of the weather,have elements of physical danger and do not pay very well,he said.

  “On top of that,the job opportunities are not very good so if you really want one of these jobs,you may even have difficulty finding one despite the fact that they’re dangerous,in bad conditions and don’t pay very well,”he said.

  Last year,actuary placed second and mathematician first,while lumberjack ranked as the worst job.

  1. Which is the best job in the US in 2010 ?

  A. software engineer B. computer systems analyst

  C. fairly miserable D. actuary

  2. Which is the worst job in the US in 2009 ?

  A.fairly miserable B. mathematician

  C.lumberjack D. dairy farmer and welder

  3. According to the passage,we can include that in the_______annual study,actuary placed second and mathematician first,while lumberjack ranked as the worst job.

  A.12th B.11th

  C.10th D.13th













  The unemployment of college graduates should not be regarded as a social problem if proper guidance and assistance can be offered to them.

  College graduates may find it difficult to get a job in the wake of an expanded enrollment system launched several years ago.And the employment situation facing students is not much better.

  There are several reasons leading to the unemployment of young people.Firstly,many young people project expectations on their careers that are too high and they are unwilling to start their career in a low income position.Secondly, some employers tend to hire professionals of higher educational levels to do low-level job.In addition,the current education system stresses too much on academic education instead of practical skills,it leads to newly graduated students without much work experience hard to find a ideal job.

  Clearly, a good job is the foundation of one’s success,but what does a “good job”really mean?

  For many.a good job means a good salary and a high social position. I don’t agree.In my opinion,it is better to regard“good”as meaning the job is suitable to your personality.Suitability is the key to a good job,if you get a job which fits your personality,you will more likely succeed in it.

  Therefore,a good job means one which is also suitable to your interests.That is to say, you can get enjoyment from doing it.If you don’t enjoy your job, even if it gives you a very good salary and high social position,you can’t really lead a happy and meaningful 1ife.We should work to live,not live to work.

  2、低碳生活与环境(Low carbon life & Environment)


  On December 8,Xinhua News Agency published a list of news keywords that it believes sum up the year 2009.The phrase “Low carbon life” had been heard in China before 2009,but in 2009,it has become popular among young Chinese who are concerned about the environment. It comes as world leaders are talking about fighting global warming in Copenha gen,Denmark.Greenhouse gases,such as carbon dioxide,are the main cause of global warming,which leads to extreme weather and other conditions.

  Living a low carbon life means trying to cut carbon dioxide emissions(排放) in one’s daily life.For example,burning less coal and oil,which produce CO2.It means walking,biking or taking buses,rather than using a private car.

  “A(H1N1) flu” is also on Xinhua’s list.Since April,2009 the virus has made over 100,000 people ill on the Chinese mainland and 325 people had died of it as of December 9.But as US magazine Newsweek pointed out recently,the best evidence suggests it is no more dangerous than a bad seasonal flu.

  The year 2009 saw the growing impact of the Internet on society,with the word “duomaomao”,meaning hideandseek,becoming a hit on the web.On February 12,Li Qiaoming died of brain injuries several days after being detained(拘留) by police in Jinning county,Yunnan Province.Police said it was an accident sustained(遭受)while he was playing hideandseek with fellow prisoners.Netizens cast doubt on this explanation and called for an investigation(调查).It turned out that Li had been beaten to death by other prisoners.

  Another phrase connected with the Internet on the list is “Net Addiction Camps”.Many parents send children obsessed(沉迷) with the web to “Net Addiction Camps”for treatment.But some camps use physical punishment or electrical shocks(电击).In 2009,some young people died as a result of the extreme methods,which led to a nationwide discussion.In November,the Ministry of Health banned the use of physical punishment to keep children off the net and dropped the term “net addiction(网瘾)”.It did not say that excessive(过度的) net use is a mental illness either.

  1. What is the main idea of the passage?

  A.A(H1N1) has spread all over the world.

  B.The environment is concerned about more and more people.

  C.The Internet has great impact on our society.

  D.Some keywords are employed to sum up the year 2009.

  【解析】选D。主旨大意题。由文中第一段On December 8, Xinhua News Agency published a list of news keywords that it believes sum up the year 2009.可知D项正确。A、B、C三项都是文章中的一部分,范围小了。

  2 .What does the underlined word “Netizens” in the fifth paragraph refer to?

  A.follow prisoners

  B.the relatives of Li Qiaoming

  C.the local people

  D.the people who surf the Internet

  【解析】选D。推理判断题。由文中第五段第一句The year 2009 saw the growing impact of the Internet on society, with the word “duomaomao”, meaning hideandseek, becoming a hit on the web.可知D项正确。

  3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

  A.The phrase “Lowcarbon life” has been popular among young people since 2009.

  B.Global warming mainly results from greenhouse gases.

  C.A(H1N1) flu is more dangerous than a bad seasonal flu.

  D.Li Qiaoming died of an accident sustained while playing hideandseek with fellow prisoners.

  【解析】选B。细节理解题。由第二段The phrase “Lowcarbon life” had been heard in China before 2009, but in 2009, it has become popular among young Chinese who are concerned about the environment.可知A项错误。由第四段But as US magazine Newsweek pointed out recently, the best evidence suggests it is no more dangerous than a bad seasonal flu.可知C项错误。由第五段It turned out that Li had been beaten to death by other prisoners.可知D项错误。由第二段Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide,are the main cause of global warming,...可知B项正确。

  4. Living a low carbon life means.

  A.burning less coal and oil

  B.trying to cut carbon dioxide emissions in one’s daily life

  C.walking,biking or taking buses

  D.using a private car

  【解析】选B。细节理解题。A、C两项仅为文中的两个例子; D项与题意不符;由 第三段第一句Living a low carbon life means trying to cut carbon dioxide emissions in one’s daily life.可知B项正确。


  It is important to learn about protecting our environment. Here is a 5R rule for us:

  1. Reduce

   If you want to reduce waste,you should use things wisely.A large number of trees are being cut down to make paper.If everyone uses a little paper carelessly and throw it out.soon we would not have any trees left.Other things are also being wasted,and people don’t know what to do with the waste in big cities.So if is necessary to reduce the waste.


   You should always think of reusing the unable things before throwing them Out.Give your clothes you do not use or the ones which are too small to the poor.1n a family,you may pass on such clothes to younger brothers or sisters.


   Bottles.cans and paper can easily be recycled.By doing so we save lots of time and money.For example,coke cans are sent to a factory,where they are smashed flat and melted and the metal things are made for new coke cans.


   When you buy a box of apples,there may be a few rotten apples,you have two choices:one is to throw the whole apples away,or you could cut off the rotten parts and use the good parts.In this way,you are recovering the eatable parts of food.


   If one of the legs of your table is broken,you can repair it.If you want to change for better ones.If is better for you to sell the old things or give them to other people who can use them after doing some repair.It is true that North America is a“throwaway”society,but the time has come to change our way of life so that we can protect our environment.Every one of us should try our best.

  3、住房问题(The Housing)

  The ever-rising price of property in China has become cause of worry for an increasing number of people, shows a survey. Despite the measures taken last year to cool down the overheated real estate market , fewer people now believe that the prices would stabilize in the near future.

  Only one-fifth of the 2,582 people polled by China Youth Daily’s social research centre, sina.com and ePanel Marketing Research & Consulting Co were confident that the government’s steps would check the trend. Their percentage was 60 in a similar survey conducted only two years ago. The poll results announced yesterday showed another significant change: instead of blaming real estate investors for raising the prices to earn huge profits, as respondents had done two years ago, more people now blame the government’s vulnerability in macro-control measures for the malaise.

  Buying a house for most of the people is a once in a lifetime decision, which means people decide to do so only after coming across the ideal house. Surprisingly, eight in every 10 home buyers are unhappy with their houses.

  The BCA has suggested strict sales regulations and contracts to ease house-owners’ sufferings. It has urged the authorities to impose severe punishment on developers found violating building and other rules and joining hands with others to bid up property prices.

  Experts have suggested consumers gather thorough knowledge about a developer and their work before deciding to buy a house from it. They should check the day-light conditions and ventilation in different weather conditions in advance, if possible.

  4、幸福、财富、健康(Happiness,Wealth and Health)

  Many of people believe money is the source of happiness.Money can bring power, happiness and all we desire.If we have a large sum of money,maybe we would be regarded as a successful man.If we are penniless,you would be taken as a fool.But I think they are wrong.We should also bear it in mind that there is something that can’t be brought with money.We should cherish our health. I think money is necessary, but health is indispensable.Wealth can never be measured in terms of money.Wealth includes physical health,a happy family life,true love and harmony in human relation.Nowadays,we are living in a more materialistic society and consumer goods are desirable everywhere.Do you know some old sayings about money,

  such as“money talks”,and“no money, no honey”?These proverbs give deep impressions when we are young.At least it makes US know about the importance of money.With time passing by, maybe we begin to know money is not the only thing that matter in life.But in reality without money we can’t live a happy life.So enough money means we can afford the cost of our living and we can have extra money to support our hobbies.Health is wealth.Health is the source of happiness.Some millionaires or billionaires cling close to their doctors,because they seldom get enough exercise to keep their health.A person,who is in good health,can afford to challenge all hardships.

  Words and Expressions:

  cherish 珍惜

  independence 独立

  harmony 和谐

  money talks 金钱万能

  5、发明(Invention)、高科技、时尚(High tech、State of the art)


  Lewis Edson Waterman

  The Pen

  The first practical pen with reservoir is credited to Lewis Edson Waterman a 45 year old American insurance broker in 1884. The story goes that he was getting ready to sign a vital contract on a building site and had bought a new pen for the occasion feeling that it would create a good impression and be more convenient for the circumstances than the more usual dip nib pen. The contract was on the table, and the pen was in the client's hand. Once, twice and even a third time the pen refused to write and then it made an ink blot on the important paperwork. Mr. Waterman returned to his office in all haste, obtained a fresh contract and returned to the site - a rival broker had beaten him to it and the client had signed a contract with the competitor.

  Waterman refused to be caught out again in like fashion and having an inventive mind designed his own pen and commenced to produce them in his brother's workshop. His design was based upon the physical force of capillarity where air replace the ink used giving a smooth, even, blot free flow. His idea was patented in 1884 but he continued to sell insurance while manufacturing just a few hundreds pens per year. However Waterman saw the benefits of advertising and sales increased rapidly. Gold nibs were obtained from New York and in 1900 a factory was built in Montreal, Canada to make the pens.

  Lewis Waterman died in 1901 but his son Frank took over the successful business and conquered Europe with sales rising to 350,000 pens per year. Another first for Waterman was adding a clip to the cap in 1905.


  “High tech”and“State of the art”are two expressions to tell about very modern technology.High tech is just a shorter way of saying high technology,and high technology can be any invention,or something that uses the newest ideas or findings in science.

   What is“high tech”?A computer is high tech.So is a satellite in the sky.The opposite of high tech is low tech.A wooden plow pulled by horses is low tech.So is hand cart.High tech becomes a popular expression in the United States during the early 1980s.Because of the inventions in technology people could buy many new kinds of products in American stores.The companies that make these things were proud of the things they made. They wanted everyone to know that their products were as modem as possible.So in all kinds of advertisements,companies called their products as high tech.

   State of the art is something that is as modern as possible.It is a product that is made with the very latest methods and technology. Something that is state of the art is the newest design or product of business.A state of the art television set. for example,uses the most modem designs and parts.It is the best that one Can buy.

  State of the art is not a new expression.Scientists have used it for years to talk about the best and most modem way of doing something.Millions of Americans began to use the expression in the late 1970s.New inventions make computers smaller and cheaper.Every computer company said that its computers were the state of the art.So this expression“state of the art”became as common and popular as computers themselves.

标签: 天气降温关心简短句子
